Racing, SuperEnduro, Race Recaps Noel Flatters / Editor Racing, SuperEnduro, Race Recaps Noel Flatters / Editor

SuperEnduro Rd 6 Recap - GP Bulgaria

As we came into the penultimate round of the 2024 FIM SuperEnduro Championship, we had written “Let’s be honest with ourselves here, shall we? It’s going to take a disaster for Bolt lose a round in this year’s Championship. The man is riding with a badly injured left knee/leg for the past two rounds, and STILL nobody has a real answer for him. Bolt is clearly the class of the field. Until someone proves that they can actually beat the man in one round… It. Is. Over.” Well, not surprisingly, no-one had an answer for the British superstar and with a 59 point lead in the Championship it’s all over for Jonny Walker if Bolt takes 4 points from the finale in Newcastle next weekend. And to be absolutely clear, Billy Bolt will take home many more than 4 points barring catastrophe.

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